Goodbye Boston, Hello London

Boston from the sky.

Boston from the sky.

London from the sky.

London from the sky.

I'll admit, it was a teary goodbye. I'm not very good at them. Traveling is really not my thing. It stresses the hell out of me and then I have to deal with those emotions overwhelming me as my body and mind readjust. According to my dad, it's something that I picked up from my mom. And with that, I think it might be story time.

When I was in sixth grade, my family went to Disney World in January. It was a fantastic trip, lots of fun all around. It lasted seventeen days and then we flew back home so we weren't missing too much school. We went on vacation in the middle of the school year after all. Ah, middle school, when you could take that much time off and only spend a week catching up. Anyway, the night after our return, I was sitting up in bed crying, and I couldn't figure out why. I missed Florida, sure, but this feeling was tearing me apart. My mom heard me and called me into her room. She asked me why I was crying, and when I told her that I missed Florida, she completely understood. She told me that it was something that she went through as well. Hearing that really helped me. And time does heal. Even if I don't believe myself as I say that, I know it's true. Even within today, I've already overcome so much. When I first entered my dorm room, it looked a little run-down and the kitchen is an outright mess, there's even some mold growing in an unwashed pot. I'm going to have to scold some roommates when they get back. That ought to make them like me. But once I started making a mess with my unpacking, the place actually began to look really good. And hearing from back home has been really comforting, thank you all.

It will be a slow process, but hopefully, I can find enough bravery and determination to keep going. To cap it all off, here is a photo of my first meal in England and the first pounds I spent.

Goat cheese with honey and fig chutney sandwich, and an orange flavored Sanpellegrino.

Goat cheese with honey and fig chutney sandwich, and an orange flavored Sanpellegrino.


A Little Adventuring