Am I Doing This Right?

I have a little bit of a concern that has been nagging me for a few days now. I have a lot of friends on Facebook who have also studied abroad at some point, some of them in this very semester. And looking at their pictures at all the amazing things they're seeing and all the friends they've made, I end up with one question in my mind.

Am I doing this right?

Here I am, having sat in my dorm room all day, only really emerging to get food from the kitchen. And every night I have watched Netflix before going to bed. I don't mind living this way, in fact, I like it very much. But it's the same thing I do at home. I'm in England. Shouldn't I be trying to fit every space of my life with new adventures? Shouldn't I have albums of photographs with all the cool architecture and food? I'm getting along with my roommates, but at this point, I can't say that I know any of them well enough to be more than acquaintances. I haven't made any new lifelong friends just yet, and I feel like that's my fault.

I know I've only been here for a week, and those first few days were a whirlwind of activity. There was the five-hour bus ride it took just to get to UEA, and then there were the tours we took to get to know the campus. Then we spent all day finding the grocery store, even though it's only a mile away. My muscles got a big workout from those days. But I feel like my progress has plateaued since classes have started. One of my biggest reasons for getting away from home was that I never feel like I'm doing anything with my life. I don't have any particularly strong ambitions about my future. I decided this would kickstart my life into something more adventurous and fun. What I'm wondering now is, how exactly do I do that?


Getting to Know Norwich


A Little Adventuring