Getting to Know Norwich

Alisha and I traveled to the City Centre of Norwich again this past weekend and visited some more scenic things the city has. Here are some photos to correspond.

A street in the City Centre we walked down on our way to lunch

A street in the City Centre we walked down on our way to lunch

Our first stop was to go eat. Alisha is vegan, so we found this really nice place located in the "Historic Lanes" (if anyone can tell me what that really is, please let me know because we can't figure it out). The place was called The Tipsy Vegan, and they had some really great food. Alisha ordered an Irish Breakfast, and I got Mushroom Benedict with spinach on sourdough toast (my favorite type of bread).


Our next task was to go to the Norwich Cathedral. This cathedral was built to be impressive and inspire with its magnificence, or so I'm told. It really is magnificent in person. The cathedral was built in 1145 topped with a great wooden spire. Over time, the spire has needed to be replaced a couple times, the most recent remodel substituting the wood for stone, and it has been solidly standing ever since.

But before we got to the cathedral, we had to pass through Elm Hill, which is probably the most English street you will ever see around here. It was full of charming little shops including a dressmaker and a bookstore, and even a tea house that's on our list to try one of these days.

The final place we visited before going home was the Norwich Castle. The architecture is a bit simplistic compared to other castles. It really just looks like a big box. There is a museum inside that shows history from Norwich and also from England in general. I think the coolest thing I saw in there was Nazi propaganda some soldiers had taken home as souvenirs after WWII.

Norwich Castle

Norwich Castle

The original wall can still be seen in some places, which we noticed when we were on the bus returning to UEA. It's really very cool to think of being in a place that used to be a motte and bailey castle with an entire kingdom. The castle was designed to be seen from every point in what was then Norwich, and that's still pretty true today as you walk around the City Centre.

So overall, it was a very interesting day. We ate some food, saw some sights, and did some shopping. I tried chips. I'd say that's a good way to get to know a city.

Of course we had to get chips

Of course we had to get chips

Just a pretty door. It’s blue!

Just a pretty door. It’s blue!

Finished the day with a cupcake from Katie’s Cake Box. I had to support my namesake

Finished the day with a cupcake from Katie’s Cake Box. I had to support my namesake


More Pictures in the City Centre


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