More Pictures in the City Centre

First, some photos of the Cathedral that I thought I'd lost, but turns out I accidentally put them in a different folder.

Cathedral Courtyard

Cathedral Courtyard

Central Walkway

Central Walkway

Blurry photo of the inside of the cathedral

Blurry photo of the inside of the cathedral

Organ inside cathedral

Organ inside cathedral

And now, the photos that I actually took today.

Another view of the Norwich castle

Another view of the Norwich castle

And another.

And another.

Riverside Walk

Riverside Walk

Awkwardly got our shadows in this one

Awkwardly got our shadows in this one

Agh! Blurry! The sun was in my face so I couldn’t see if I captured this one

Agh! Blurry! The sun was in my face so I couldn’t see if I captured this one

Much better

Much better

This is called Cow Tower

This is called Cow Tower

Ha! Didn’t believe me?

Ha! Didn’t believe me?

Some colorful houses. You can see the Norwich Cathedral peeking out behind them

Some colorful houses. You can see the Norwich Cathedral peeking out behind them

Fun fact: All swans in England are under the protection of the Queen

Fun fact: All swans in England are under the protection of the Queen

I wanna say these are ducks, but I have no idea

I wanna say these are ducks, but I have no idea


And that concludes today's pictures! It was a sunny day for once with very mild weather, so it was really nice.


A Modern Babylon


Getting to Know Norwich