A Modern Babylon

On Sunday Alisha and I took a three-hour bus to London to spend the day. London certainly is a sight to see. There are lots of different atmospheres that will appear when you round a new corner. The people have a bustling energy that is still somehow calm and collected. It was an interesting experience.

Our first stop was to a vegan cafe called Cupcakes & Shhht. Alisha's vegan, in case you haven't figured that out by now from all the vegan places we go to eat. Instead of getting lunch, we forewent that and skipped right to dessert. We both ordered Unicorn Freakshakes, which the menu describes as a "vanilla milkshake, naturally unicorn coloured topped with a sparkling baked good & a drop of chocolate sauce." Our server was very happy we ordered them because they are her favorite thing to make from their menu.


We really didn't need lunch after these behemoths, so we went right ahead to our next activity on the agenda.

The London Eye

The London Eye


This Ferris Wheel is massive. And we managed to buy tickets to ride it.

The view was pretty great. Unfortunately, since it's winter and not a very tourist season, there was a lot of construction going on that obscured the city. Big Ben was completely surrounded by scaffolding. I took a picture anyway, because why not?


It never ceases to amaze me that England has buildings that have survived so well. Things older than the US itself. And by looking at them you can get such a clear image of the past.

I took some other pictures from on top of the London Eye as well.


We also walked across that bridge that gets destroyed by Death Eaters in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie, known as Millenium Bridge.

Among other things, we also visited Trafalgar Square, the Soho area, something called Neal's Yard, and generally just walked all over London. We crammed a lot into our day, I might even say too much from the amount of exhaustion I had on returning to UEA. But it was one more thing that we crossed off our list. And we may go back one of these days so I can get a proper picture of Big Ben.

Trafalgar Square

Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studios Tour


More Pictures in the City Centre