Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studios Tour

Last week, Alisha and I went to the Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studios Tour in Leavesdon. I haven't gotten around to posting the pictures until now. I took a LOT of photos, so I'm really only posting the highlights.

The front entrance.

The front entrance.

The whole time I was there, I couldn't stop being amazed that I was looking at actual locations and actual props and costumes that the actors had used in the making of the eight Harry Potter films. I am incredibly familiar with those movies, so for me it was like watching them all over again.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts.

Gryffindor robes and costumes. The one on the left was Harry’s first-year robes

Gryffindor robes and costumes. The one on the left was Harry’s first-year robes

Hogwarts professors’ costumes

Hogwarts professors’ costumes

Yule Ball costumes for Cho Chang, Hermione, and Victor Krum

Yule Ball costumes for Cho Chang, Hermione, and Victor Krum

Hermione, Harry, and Ron clothing

Hermione, Harry, and Ron clothing

Dumbledore’s office

Dumbledore’s office

Quidditch gear

Quidditch gear

I just had to take a dramatic photo with this lighting in the Forbidden Forest

I just had to take a dramatic photo with this lighting in the Forbidden Forest

I tried Butterbeer. It was okay, a little weird. It would have been better if it wasn’t fizzy.

I tried Butterbeer. It was okay, a little weird. It would have been better if it wasn’t fizzy.

A not so mini replica of Hogwarts castle for the wide angle shots

A not so mini replica of Hogwarts castle for the wide angle shots

Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley

The Knight But from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The Knight But from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


The whole trip was extremely surreal and really cool. I am very happy that my university sold tickets to this, it was definitely worth it.


Bonjour et Au Revoir Nice


A Modern Babylon